Monday, May 2, 2016

Carpet refresher.

Ever have those times where your carpet is more dirty than usual but too clean to waste effort on using a shampooer? I definitely had that feeling this week since my roomba had not been scheduled to go off very regularly lately. I do not own a stick or upright vacuum right now because a decent one is very expensive. I got lucky I found my roomba brand new at an estate sale for $40. It does pretty well for its size and my one bedroom apartment. Anyway this post is not about my vacuum. I decided to try a carpet refresher a year ago, but the ones at the store are expensive for what I need. I found this recipe which is super easy and cheap to make. This usually helps repel bugs from the house especially if you use the oils or rosemary. I use this weekly and it leaves my house smelling awesome and clean when its all said and done, even if all I did was this to clean my apartment that week.


  • 16 oz mason jar with lid
  • large phillips screw driver
  • hammer
  • mixer
  • mixing bowl
  • measuring cup
  • washing soda
  • baking soda
  • borax
  • essential oils (optional or can substitute for ground rosemary leaves)

to make

First  take the mason jar and lid and tightly close it onto the jar. Then take the screw driver and the hammer and punch holes into the lid. I made five of them in the top. Next pour  one cup of washing soda, baking soda, and borax into the mixer with one teaspoon of essential oils or one sprig of ground rosemary. mix till the powder looks consistent and the oils are evenly spread.If you can add the oils slowly after you have started the mixer. Open the mason jar and pour the mixture into it then close the lid.

To use

Vacuum your entire carpet first to get any large and loose debris out of the way. Aiming the jar at a downward angle lightly shake it back and forth covering entire carpeted area with the powder.  Let it site for anywhere between 30 minutes to eight hours (I did thirty minutes today but I usually do eight hours) depending on how bad your situation is. While waiting you may want to dust your house as this does make a sort of  powdery dust on some things at times. Vacuum it all up and you're done.

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